links in our community

New situations can often seem very frightening in the beginning. To meet new people, to visit a new place, to start a new activity, everyone already experienced one of these things in his past and will experience even more in the future. To face these problems or adventures one needs encouragement and determination. Especially in the beginning, some situations are too much to take and people wonder whether they made the right decision.

A short while ago I had to make a hard decision myself, and I decided to come to the United States alone and start my studies. The first time alone in a plane, the first time in the United States, the first time in university.  Each of these said situations required my full determination to be accomplished, but sometimes even that is not enough to not question one's decisions. 

That was when I discovered about what other thing makes us feel like we made the right decision: connections. Connecting with other people and getting to know them can make the hardest situation in one's life one of the easiest because one is together with people that share the same beliefs and hobbies. 

When I came here I had no one to help me at first, but I could connect to other people very fast thanks to skills I already established before as these are the links in our community. Everyone feels alone sometimes, but one is always able to find friends and make the situation seem less frightening.


  1. You're off to a great start with your writing, Alex! You are taking on a LOT of new things; your courage is admirable. I hope you find pleasant connections through this blog and in our class!


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