A second family

A team is like a family. This statement was very important for me for my whole life. I have always been part of a hockey team since I can think. In my opinion, it is crucial to have a team of any kind around that you can trust and that will have your back. Especially children will learn how to socialize and how to treat others. It is of utmost importance to have a social environment for young people to know the first steps into a social future. 

I personally learned that a team will always be there for you as you will be there for them. It was one of the most important experiences that I made, and this experience even further developed after coming to the U.S. this year.

When I came to this new country that I have been to before I knew no one and knew nothing except where I am going to study and what team I am in, and it is thanks to this team and its members that I am here and writing this blog entry.

These guys helped me from the first step I made in this country. I see them as a second family that is around me the whole time when walking to my class, when buying groceries and of course on the ice! 

And this of course applies to every social group that we can have, whether it is a sports team or a band or just a group of people that like each other. 


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