
 There are times when you feel like you just want to quit. You do not want to continue doing it, you want to stop, get time for yourself or something else. You feel yourself down from doing this exact thing the whole time. It does not matter what it is, whether it is some hobby that you love or a task that you have to do like writing an essay, sometimes you just feel like you are sick of everything.

This is the exact thing these challenges that we face every day show us. This problem of not wanting to do anything, the question of what makes you wake up every day. And these challenges, may they be wanted or unwanted, show us what we need to get through our lives. And it is of utmost importance to possess this trait and use it as often as it can, as it is basically our reason to continue: the wish to do something.

This determination that we have to build up over time helps us during our whole life regardless of the situation. We need the determination to focus and motivate ourselves to reach the goals that we want to achieve. With every step we take we get more and more determined to finish our task, the wish to succeed and get appraised is always there. On some occasions, we feel it through our motivation to do something, a motivation that we may always have had or one that grew anew in us.

But in the end, the case of our determination does not matter. The only thing that really matters is the determination itself, the most basic trait every human possesses from early on. And whether this eagerness to accomplish something shows itself or not, it is important it is always there, we just have to activate it.


  1. Reading your post was very interesting i like how you explain and stress the fact that challenges help us get stronger by saying "And these challenges, may they be wanted or unwanted, show us what we need to get through our lives." i also like your conclusion how you described that the we as human beings have to activate our determination. so far i really enjoyed your post.

  2. Christiana
    Reading your post was very interesting i like how you explain and stress the fact that challenges help us get stronger by saying "And these challenges, may they be wanted or unwanted, show us what we need to get through our lives." i also like your conclusion how you described that the we as human beings have to activate our determination. so far i really enjoyed your post.


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