Mid-term time

The semester is far from ending, but it came to a point with a peak of our stress level: the so-called Mid-term. The time when you have to do everything at the same time. You got many exams and tests during the week, you have to do revision and homework and you still have to appear in classes. 

For a lot of students, this is the first point where they have doubts about their studies. The first half of the semester is often a time of finding a rhythm, organizing oneself. The mid-terms are like a test to find out for yourself: did you find your rhythm? Are you comfortable with how you live right now and do you work enough to pass the tests? 

This of course then leaves two options regarding that question for the student.

First, you did enough to get yourself familiar with the process. You do not feel bad in classes, and you are able to hand in your work on time. But the question now is, at what cost? Many students sacrifice things like hobbies or sleep in order to get good Grades. This can have a huge impact on the person depending on how high these costs are.

And of course, there is option 2. You were not able to adapt to the new plan that you tried to fulfill, you are behind your schedule, you Hand in documents on time or even too late. And either you worked hard for it to at least Hand it in on time, or you already gave up on that one assignment to do the next one. And of course, the Effekt of both cases is the same: New problems for the student. 

What has to be emphasized here is that at special points in our life the student will be forced to decide on either option and to sacrifice something that is important. But how much is he willing to sacrifice? That is something that everyone has to find out themselves.


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