
just another birthday

 It happens that today is my 18th birthday. An important date for everyone usually, but it kind of feels odd today. Even though turning 18 is something special, something that allows you way more freedom than ever before, for me it feels like something is missing, and that is because of my family being in Germany. I was born on the 22nd of October in 2003 after midnight, and it was a special day already because of my dad, as his birthday is the 22nd as well. He told me that on that day he did not plan to do anything special, it was his 33rd birthday, he was just watching television and being alone by himself as my mother was in the hospital. That night he got a phone call from the nurse and she said that he would miss my birth if he does not rush to the hospital, which he did now 18 years ago, and what already created the first big part of our bond that lasts till today. My father and I have always been celebrating our birthdays together as it was the best for both of us to share our h

New experiences

  A new year means a new person- a phrase that many people emphasize after a new year. But what exactly does that mean? Is this person not the same one as before, what did change, if there was a change at all? First of all, year does not necessarily mean calendar year. It can mean every year we know, like school year, new season of a special sport or whatever that person feels is a year. It has basically only a symbolic meaning for that person, it is a big moment for a big decision to make a change in their life. But what does that change here mean? And is it not possible instead to start with a small change? People are insecure and dissatisfiedvnb

Helvetica-Guided Reflection

The documentary Helvetica reminds me a lot of my past experiences with many people, and it may sound quite odd that a documentary about a font made me even some sort of sentimental. It started with already one of the first scenes, when the documentary just showed the font, that I felt pushed back about 5 years into my 8th grade. Our history and art teacher was our tutor back then, and my first real "encounter" was with him, as I had to hold a presentation in history about the steam engine. One of my friends helped me with it, and when we wrote down the presentation in a PowerPoint he told me to use Helvetica as my font, as our art teacher loves this font, while he hates ComicSans. And it happened that after I held my presentation when my teacher gave me the evaluation, he mentioned the font that I used and asked whether this was Helvetica and after I confirmed that it is Helvetica that I used, I got an extra point and praise from my teacher, so I felt happy about, and this no

Mid-term time

The semester is far from ending, but it came to a point with a peak of our stress level: the so-called Mid-term. The time when you have to do everything at the same time. You got many exams and tests during the week, you have to do revision and homework and you still have to appear in classes.  For a lot of students, this is the first point where they have doubts about their studies. The first half of the semester is often a time of finding a rhythm, organizing oneself. The mid-terms are like a test to find out for yourself: did you find your rhythm? Are you comfortable with how you live right now and do you work enough to pass the tests?  This of course then leaves two options regarding that question for the student. First, you did enough to get yourself familiar with the process. You do not feel bad in classes, and you are able to hand in your work on time. But the question now is, at what cost? Many students sacrifice things like hobbies or sleep in order to get good Grades. This ca


  There are times when you feel like you just want to quit. You do not want to continue doing it, you want to stop, get time for yourself or something else. You feel yourself down from doing this exact thing the whole time. It does not matter what it is, whether it is some hobby that you love or a task that you have to do like writing an essay, sometimes you just feel like you are sick of everything. This is the exact thing these challenges that we face every day show us. This problem of not wanting to do anything, the question of what makes you wake up every day. And these challenges, may they be wanted or unwanted, show us what we need to get through our lives. And it is of utmost importance to possess this trait and use it as often as it can, as it is basically our reason to continue: the wish to do something. This determination that we have to build up over time helps us during our whole life regardless of the situation. We need the determination to focus and motivate ourselves to


  Words have different meanings in different languages. This is the first thing that one should learn when trying to get into a new language. Even though some words may sound similar they could still mean the opposite. But more importantly, finding out the origin of that word can help in learning this new language or understand a language that you already know even further. This is for example the case with the word "essay" in English. Whereas "essay" generally means any form of written text by an author the word "Essay/Essai" in German only means "trying" to write a text or an article about a special phenomenon that bothers or interests the author. In this German form of an essay, the author tries to create a personal confrontation with the topic while having a lot of freedom in his decision-making for the text. While certainly, both words have their origin in the late Latin word "exagium" which means "weighing", especially t

Having a break